Clockwise is a regional credit union, serving members in Leicester, Leicestershire, Rutland, Coventry, Warwickshire and Northamptonshire.

Over the past two years that this report covers we have increased the area we serve to include Coventry and Warwickshire, increasing our membership and outreach whilst remaining financially robust.

In 2019/2020, we commissioned an external assessment using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) approach as we are very much aware that Profit and Loss accounts and Balance Sheets only look at the pounds and pence. Just as we wanted to know more back in 2019/2020, we continue to evaluate the impact that Clockwise Credit Union has with its members:

To answer these questions, we commissioned an external assessment using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) approach. 


SROI is a framework for measuring and accounting change – the difference that we make to people and the planet. We used SROI so that we could find out:

  • Where we are making the biggest impact
  • Measure the difference we are making
  • To use the data to inform planning & decision making

SROI is much more than just a number. It is a story about change, on which to base decisions, that includes case studies and qualitative, quantitative, and financial information. SROI tells the story of how change is being created by measuring the social outcomes and it uses monetary values to represent them. This enables a ratio of benefits to costs to be calculated.

Over the years 2022 and 2023, Clockwise Credit Union invested £4,669,262 in delivering services to our members. This is the investment being measured.

The social return on investment ratio is 1:16

The total value of the social outcomes (after causality) is £55,379,038

Members valued being better able to manage money and being less stressed the most

Members being able to manage money created social value of £23,495,000

The social value of being proud and happy was £18,353,457 - the second highest social value in the account

Members valued feeling a sense of belonging which was valued at £6,670,455