When you save or borrow with Clockwise your money is invested back into the community. Clockwise operates a Community Grant Scheme that awards local groups and individuals grants for a whole range of items that ultimately benefit the community the group/individual works to serve.
This week we have awarded two community grants in Leicestershire.
The first was to New Parks Community Hub based in St Oswalds Rd, Leicester. Team Hub have a wide range of activities for the whole community including sports, crafts, coffee mornings bingo sessions and a youth group. Joe from Clockwise went down to the Community Hub to present the cheque to Jo Randall.

Jo from New Parks said
the money that has been donated will be used for our adult ‘Chatterbox’ session – Chatterbox is for people who have been socially isolated, especially during the pandemic. We’re able to get them all together for some coffee mornings and we’ve started to do some crafts

Next was E2 Community Hub – based in Home Farm Cl, Leicester. E2 was first created in 2005 as Cooke e-Learning Foundation to help disadvantaged communities in Leicester to overcome some of their barriers to digital inclusion. Now trading as E2/e2online, their services include informal and formal community education, work with young people, research and community development as well as computer sales, repairs and recycling activities.

Martin Buchanan, CEO, said:
We’re really grateful to Clockwise Credit Union for the money they’ve given us. A large proportion will be used to keep our youth sessions going in the new year, which is absolutely amazing. The remainder will be used for our foodbank, to make sure that continues. This is absolutely fantastic, and we’re very grateful.
Our Community Grant Scheme is just one of the ways we give back. Learn more about our Community Grant Scheme here.