Raising Health is the registered charity for Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust (LPT). The charity raises funds to support projects which are above and beyond NHS funding.
LPT provides community health and mental health support to over 1 million people across Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland. These services are delivered by 7,880 staff members and over 300 volunteers. One of their sites includes the Bradgate Mental Health Unit (BMHU), an acute facility for adults with severe mental health conditions. All the patients who come are immediately allocated a consultant psychiatrist who works together with a multidisciplinary team to carry out an assessment and create a care and recovery plan.
As part of the currently offered care to the patients at the Bradgate Unit, horticultural therapy sessions are provided in the hospital gardens to help facilitate recovery and educational and recreational opportunities including planting seeds and growing vegetables. Raising Health contacted Clockwise to apply for a Community Grant, as the feedback from these sessions has been so positive and demonstrated the need for the garden to be further developed so the space can be best used to facilitate patients recovery.
Clockwise was pleased to be able to offer £500 towards this project, and a cheque was presented in October 2024.
Lisa Booth, Bradgate Unit’s occupational therapy assistant, said
“This project will enable me to work with some af the most acutely unwell patients sooner by being with them, with no expectations and by exploring their sensory preferences. This information will help other professionals to best support the patient. Understanding a patient’s sensory system will also support the patient’s family and care team as they transition out of hospital on their recovery journey.”