Author: Paul


Changes to member online account access

From the 8th of December 2021 we are making changes to simplify how members sign in to our website and mobile app. Read to find out more about this important change.

Clockwise News

Great News!

On the 4th October, Clockwise Credit Union and New Central Credit Union completed a full merger! This means our common bond now extends to Coventry


Let’s be on the safe side

Throughout the pandemic, we have been focused on ensuring all our members have access to their accounts and our products and services with minimal disruption.



Just a reminder that the Special General Meeting will take place tomorrow, Wednesday 14th April 2021. The Board of Directors invites you to a Special

Avoid COVID-19 Scams

Unfortunately, with the global pandemic there has been a rise in fraud, linked to COVID. The Financial Conduct Authority has issued a statement on what